This is Finn! He loves playing basketball, going on bike rides, playing with other dogs and loves sleeping with his blanket in his mouth. He does so many tricks and is really smart and friendly. By far his favorite thing is getting packages in the mail and will stare at it and cry until you give it to him. I'm allergic to dogs and never had a problem with him and he doesn't shed. So no fur on ​the couches or clothes. He is so loved and spoiled over here and we're really grateful to have him
- Vargus Family - California

This is Branch, we could not imagine our life without this happy guy! He is healthy, happy and was so easy to train being such a people pleaser! We are so happy we picked this little guy!
- Anderson Family - Arizona

This is our Princess. We love her so much. The grandchildren named her (Princess Riley and Princess Rome) for us. She is my husband's best friend. He is sick and Princess is also a service dog for him. Thank you so much for our goldendoodle.
- Araiza Family - Arizona

We all have fallen head over heels in love with him and everyone always wants Scout by them or to play with them or to have his attention. I hope you can see the happiness in Scout and how loved he is by us! To what
you said previously, your breeding puppies for families has had such an impact on us, in the best way possible. We never knew how deeply and sincerely we’d love our puppy, until he was here. He’s one of us. He’s our family. He fits right in. He’s the best little thing that has happened to our family since my youngest son was born. We all adore him so much!
Here are some things about Scout:
​28-ish pounds.
Blessed with a gorgeous coat!
His apricot color and wavy texture are amazing. We get compliments all the time.
Just got a summer cut, so he’s pretty short right now in the pics.
Fiercely loyal to our family.
Protective of us and our home.
Watchful and keeps track of us all.
Gathers us and wants to keep us all together.
(i.e. My son was riding his bike and went past us on a walk and he barked and ran after him, to try to get him and bring him back!)
Loving and sweet.
Playful and energetic.
Has a mind of his own and is determined! (We think it’s cute!)
High activity, then flops to the floor to sleep in a moment.
Sleeps well.
Wants people food, not dog food.
Wants to play with people things (water bottles; shoes; caps; socks; etc), not his toys.
Trains very well with rewards/treats.
Smart! So intelligent and amazing memory.
Fun boy!
Loves to play fetch and tug-of-war.
Loves to ride in the car, looking and watching out the window.
Especially loves his face peeped out the window and the wind in his face.
Loves being around people and going places. Always wants to meet and greet people!
Enjoys other dogs and ALWAYS gets excited when he sees a “friend”!
I could go on and on about him. We love him so much!
And by the way, the stuffed bear in the picture is the toy that came home with him, scented with his Mama Missy. We call her “Mama Bear” and it’s his favorite. He drags her all around and sleeps with her every night.
- Trca Family - Arizona

​I first found out about Goldendoodle AZ on a plane trip back from Arizona. I was flying back from a work trip from Phoenix to Orange County California and this lady got on with this gorgeous dog so I started talking to her about the dog and I asked her where she got the puppy, she told me about Goldendoodle AZ puppies and gave me their contact information, so I looked them up and made several phone calls asking questions. I was very impressed with their methods and the way they raised the puppies. Once the puppies are born they send you weekly updates with photos, and of course you get hooked on the first photo because they are so adorable! When it was time to pick up my puppy I drove from Orange County, California to Queens Creek to pick him up. You could tell as soon as you walked into the house that this was not a puppy mill business. The puppies are raised in their home and the whole family interacts with them on a daily basis. None of the puppies were skittish or afraid, they were very well socialized, in fact they all wanted your attention so it was very difficult to pick.
The family was very kind and very supportive. They genuinely want to know how they’re doing and ask you to send photos to let them know how the puppies are doing. They don’t just sell you the puppy and say OK we’re done don’t ever contact us again, they’re very much involved and want to know how they’re doing and they are willing to answer any questions you have, and I had a lot! I was so impressed by them and their process that I actually gave them a deposit for my second puppy before I ever got my first puppy. You won’t regret getting a puppy from Goldendoodle AZ, they are wonderful people, the puppies are fantastic, I just can’t say enough good things about them and any drive is worth it, you won’t be disappointed.
Joan F,
Huntington Beach, CA.​