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Explaining Goldendoodle Coat Types
Goldendoodles can come in many different sizes and have just as many coat types!
Below are some examples of the two main coat types Goldendoodle AZ will now strictly produce, a curly type and a wavy type.
Curly Coats
Curly coats can range in density or thickness of the curl, but will still generally look very similar to each other. A curly coat is easy to distinguish, it will have very small, tight, ringlet curls when wet or unbrushed. When combed out you release the curl and the Doodle can appear to be less curly. A curly coat will shed the least, but they will take longer to brush out. Goldendoodle coats need to be brushed with a slicker brush and followed up by a comb at least 3-5 times per week, depending on the length of the coat. The longer the fur the more it will need to be brushed out, with long coats needing daily brushing.
Wavy Coats
A wavy coat type is the proper term to use for a Doodle that has the epitome of the shaggy Doodle look. Wavy coats also come in many variations, but will generally still all look very similar. A wavy coat that is furnished (the gene responsible for the non shedding and beard of the Poodle) will shed very minimally. Their curl pattern is wavy and not a ringlet, which means it is easier to brush through. Wavy coats can be easier to maintain for this reason. A wavy coat will still beed to be properly brushed and combed 2-5 times per week depending on the length of the coat.